Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Purple Lip Gloss and Blue Vases

As I am sure most of you have gathered by now - I'm afraid of a lot of things.

I'm afraid of snakes and wolves. I'm afraid to drive on 465 and to wear high heels.

I'm learning that growing up is not about changing the little things about myself but instead embracing them and growing into the things I am good at.

I will always be afraid to drive on 465 but I can rock wall climb.

I will always feel uncomfortable in heels but I can rock a pair of yoga pants.

So I am embracing those things about myself. I'm also discovering new things about myself. One of those things is that I love color!

Last week I painted a new blue vase for my office (tutorial blog to come). 

I purchased yellow mugs for our kitchen.

I love wearing my metallic nail polish.

And today I bought PURPLE lip gloss. So FUN!

It was surprisingly beautiful. I'm addicted.

And I'm addicted to color now.

I may never be the girl who can wear pink heels and feel awesome in them. And I will never be the girl who has a clean car.

But I can throw great parties and I can wear purple lip gloss.

So embrace who you are. Stop trying to change the things that don't matter and embrace a fun new side of yourself.

What new things are you embracing? What things are you letting go of'?