Saturday, January 28, 2012

Learning to Live In My House

When we moved into our apartment 9 months ago I tried so hard to keep everything clean all the time. I didn't want anyone to walk in and see a messy house. I didn't want to decorate because we were unsure of how long we'll live in it. I kept things in their place because I thought it was what good wives do.

Some people might say I have just gotten lazy but I prefer the term comfortable. I let the food sit on the stove for a while. I don't pick up our shoes or dust every week. Or even every other week. I don't freak out when the laundry is sitting on my dresser for days. I feel comfortable in our little apartment now. But I had to learn to live here.

I had to learn that I didn't have to whisper at night because we had neighbors upstairs. I had to learn that marks on the walls come off - and even if they don't it's ok. I had to learn that it was more important to make memories than the bed or dinner.

I don't know where you're learning to live.

Maybe you're learning to live in a place of kids off at college.
Maybe you're learning to live in the place of forgiveness or constant illness.
Maybe you're learning to live in peace, or a new town, or with a new baby.

Where ever you are learning to live today I hope you take time to make memories. Learning to live somewhere can be scary and overwhelming. But I pray you take time to slow down, breathe and capture moments in your heart.

And maybe that means you don't make the bed.


  1. I love this post Emily It is powerful. And I "get it".

    I am learning to live; with my baby at college, I'm learning to live without a home, I'm learning to live with pain, and I'm learning to live with uncertainty. And I'm also learning to live with NEW FOUND JOY. What a welcome surprise.

    Thank you for this powerful post.

  2. I absolutely love this post. Life is too short to be too serious and "perfect" ... memories shouldn't get pushed aside for daily chores. It should be vice versa :b

  3. Good lesson to learn! I learned a long time ago (I'm 46-pushing 47) that some day my house would be as clean as I wanted it to be...but right now, I'm raising children. I don't see my house as messy, I see my house as lived in...lived in by the people I love and cherish most. One day they'll (or I'll) be gone, and I want the memories, not the house!
